Four Essential Tips to Mitigate Risk in a DCS Migration Project

车间人员非常了解维护分布式控制系统(DCS)的挑战。, especially one that has been around for 30-plus years. 他们也知道,在当今这个以数字为先的工作世界,变革是不可避免的. An obsolete DCS is not sustainable. 规划DCS升级或迁移对于利用新的数字技术和功能至关重要, such as advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cloud computing, and so much more.

Despite the benefits, complex projects such as a migration usually carry significant risk, which may inhibit those plans for progression. To help you mitigate risk, 我们收集了来自行业思想领袖的四条建议,以确保DCS升级或迁移项目在不影响安全性或合规性的情况下向前推进.

1. Analyze DCS Components

You are the conductor, and your DCS is the orchestra. 每个单独的仪器或部件都是整个系统的单独组成部分, 然而,当它们一起工作时,它们结合在一起,在你的工厂或工厂里创造出美丽的交响乐. 分析当前DCS如何与业务的不同部分进行接口,对于成功的升级或迁移过程至关重要.

考虑控制系统组件的角色,并确定当对特定部分进行更改时它们将对系统产生的影响. 尽管有时在没有完全了解当前状态的情况下进行更改是很诱人的, this can lead to issues later. To quickly get up-to-speed on the process, 向第三方系统集成商寻求帮助——他们对DCS迁移采取整体方法, 在运营技术方面提供宝贵的专业知识和经验,实现无缝过渡.

2. Develop a Risk Assessment Plan

一个经验丰富的主教练在准备冠军赛时知道为球队提供一个广泛的比赛计划的重要性. What do we need to do to win? What can we expect? 我们目前的阵容如何对抗对手? To hoist the trophy of a successful migration or upgrade, 你必须克服与这个过程相关的阻力或风险. 风险评估计划有助于确保DCS迁移的顺利和成功,同时尽量减少对操作的干扰.

Prior to creating a risk assessment plan for a migration, it is important to identify, 分析和评估任何潜在的风险,以减少它们对项目的影响, including compatibility issues between hardware and software, operational disruptions or downtime, or mistakes occurring during the setup or configuration. Additionally, keep in mind that changes in scope, 在这种规模的项目中,进度和预算都是固有的风险——过程中出现的意外问题可能导致超出预期的严重后果,并导致无法预见的成本.

风险评估计划包括减少或消除每种风险的具体策略. Your plan should include a comprehensive review of the new system, identification of risks and their impacts, an implementation plan for minimizing these risks, and contingency plans in case problems arise. 该计划还应包括定期审查,以确保升级或迁移符合公司的总体目标,并按计划执行.


3. Ensure Data Security and Compliance Standards

就像我们在使用新技术通过个人设备与他人联系和建立网络时感到安全一样, 我们希望新的DCS具有同样的连接性和安全性. 尽管有混乱的升级或迁移的想法,但获得现代DCS功能的好处是一个高优先级, 但同样重要的是保持现有系统和新系统之间的安全连接. 这种适当的预防措施将确保数据的安全性和合规性,同时在处理周期中保护您的宝贵数据.

Be vigilant about data integrity, employing measures such as data encryption, authentication protocols, auditing tools and cybersecurity solutions. Threats and bad actors are out there. As plants become more interconnected and dependent on networks, vulnerabilities increase and risks stack up. 从长远来看,预先评估和降低遗留设备和开放系统的风险可以使您受益匪浅.

了解网络流量水平有助于识别潜在的数据泄露风险. 组织可以通过在数据收集过程的每一步关注数据安全性和遵从性来保护敏感数据免受潜在威胁.

4. Find a Trusted Integrator to Help Navigate Change

At the end of the day, every superhero needs a team. 投资第三方系统集成商可能是一个非常有益的决定, no matter the project’s complexity. 系统集成商带来了丰富的技术知识和在多个移植项目中工作的经验,并且可以帮助增加内部资源. Tapping their expertise helps streamline the migration process, 确保用户在实施后获得更高的满意度,从而使项目总体上取得成功.

Upgrading or migrating to a new DCS is never easy. 理解和分析现有的系统和服务对于顺利过渡至关重要. 您必须设计并执行风险评估计划,以最小化升级或迁移的任何潜在风险. 此外,在开始流程之前必须考虑数据安全性和遵从性标准. 在整个过程中,如有需要,应咨询专业人员以获得帮助和指导. With minimal disruption to operations, 公司可以转向优化的控制系统,使工厂人员能够专注于更关键的业务活动,如创新和增长.

Ultimately, 这些计划使工作流程更加高效,同时允许用户访问最新数据,而无需担心手动更新过程, often leading to errors.

Visit our DCS migration 浏览更多提示和其他信息,以帮助您完成数字化转型之旅!